Saturday, October 13, 2012

Health and Fitness Focus

Katrina Tambasco

The National Aboriginal Health Strategy (1989), highlights that “Health does not just mean the physical well-being of the individual but refers to the social, emotional and cultural well-being of the whole community, (cited in Swan & Raphael, 1995, p. 20).”  (Dobia & O’Rourke, 2011)

“Indigenous Australians collectively face much higher levels of health risks and challenges than is found amongst the general Australian population.”(Dobia & O’Rourke, 2011) Indigenous Australians also die at a much younger average age than the non-indigenous population as a result of being more prone to such illnesses as diabetes, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, cardiovascular diseases and mental disorders, (appendix 1).  This ill health can also negatively affect the quality of life. (AIHW, 2008)
Australia is viewed as a sporting nation, and as such, there is an emphasis, through the fitness industry of Australia on healthy living through a well- balanced diet along with a decent amount of physical activity.

These things cannot only improve one’s general health and fitness, but can also have a positive impact on mental health, longevity and social wellbeing, (Landers). While these things are important in a non-indigenous community, they are paramount to an Indigenous Australian and community, as this general wellbeing can positively affects their lives.
Kickett- Tucker studied Indigenous children in 1999 to view how they act in sports settings. He found that these sports, such as AFL, ‘contributed favourably' to Indigenous students’ self-concept and feelings about their culture. A study also showed that social interactions between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peers were conducted with the intention of making friends and they were accepting and respectful of each other. (Kickett-Tucker, 2008)
Team sports such as AFL contribute to this entire healthy lifestyle, especially as a positive contribution to indigenous living; they can also help to deter unhealthier lifestyle choices such as excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs,(appendix 2,3) especially when introduced at a young age.

The contribution of AFL to contemporary Indigenous living is a positive one. Physical exercise helps to combat illnesses that the Indigenous population is more prone to by increasing cardiovascular health and contributes to battling mental health issues; it is also a safe, social environment which can deter from unhealthier lifestyle choices and help Indigenous people remain proud and true to their culture.

  Population pyramid of Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations, 2011

 Changes in proportions of Indigenous people using illicit drugs, by drug type, Australia, 2002 and 2004-2005

 Alcohol consumption in percent by age group for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Australia.

 *Note- While Indigenous people may be predominately in the ‘low risk’ category, there are mainly a higher number of Indigenous Australians in the ‘Risky’ and ‘High risk’ than non-Indigenous Australians.

Dobia,B & O’Rourke, V. 2011, Promoting the mental health and wellbeing of Indigenous children in Australian primary schools, Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
Kickett-Tucker C. S. 1999, School Sport Self-Concept of Urban Aboriginal School Children: Teacher Influences, pg 32.
Kickett-Tucker C. S. 2008, How Aboriginal Peer Interactions in Upper Primary School Sport Support Aboriginal Identity, The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, vol. 37 pg 138-151.
AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare),2008, Australia's Health 2008, viewed 5th October 2012,
Landers, D.M, n.d, The Influence of Exercise on Mental Health, viewed 7th October 2012,
Creative Spirits, 2012, Aboriginal Alcohol Consumption, viewed 1st October 2012,
Catto M, Thomson N, 2008, Review of illicit drug use among Indigenous peoples. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin 8(4), viewed 5th October 2012,
Australian Indigenous Health Info Net, 2012, The context of Indigenous health, viewed 7th October 2012,

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